How Many Sets Of Bed Sheets, is really needed

The pertinent question that many people have in their minds is that what is the ideal number of bed sheets that one should own? With most of the urban houses being cramped up, the lesser the better is the mantra that one should go by.
The general thumb rule is to have three pairs of bed sheets for every bed in the house – one on the bed, one in the closet and one in the laundry basket. This way you will never run out of clean sheets. This rule works perfectly fine where there are fewer family members living.
In case of infants and toddlers being a part of the family, the number of bed sheets can go quite high as well. Besides, the number of members in the house, one has to consider factors like the weather and how quickly does your sheet get soiled. For instance, during monsoons , getting your sheets dried can be quite a task. If you have pets or children, then stacking up a few extra bed sheets never hurts.
Different households will have different requirements and hence, the difference in the number of bed sheets needed to be bought.