Spring Cleaning Ideas 2023: Ways to refresh your home

Spring is here...
While the spring season has arrived, it is time to revamp your home and give it a new verve. Spring cleaning can take many forms, including deep cleaning, redesigning your home, donating all of your possessions, or simply decluttering. It can be the motivation you need to shed the old and embrace the new. It's up to you whether you want to replace your furniture completely or just add home decor that better reflects your style.
Since we got all cozy and comfy in our homes in the winters, now is the time to start making plans to clear your home of the stuffiness after a long winter. Once those daytime temperatures are warm enough to open the windows and let in a bit of fresh air, you can start to think about other ways to give your home a bit of brilliance and sparkle to welcome the arrival of spring.
We have outlined a spring cleaning checklist for your home in preparation for the new season:
STEP 1: Organize and Simplify
Simply get rid of the items that have minimal use or are not at all used for any purpose. Trust us, some unused accessories occupy the maximum space at home. Although, we know it is not at all easy on giving up on the things that stayed in your house for a longer period. But, getting rid of them actually makes the house look clutter-free and well managed. Organize the storage and the closet by adjusting the stuff in the baskets or containers to make the storage look clutter-free and it also makes things easy to find.
STEP 2: Decluttering
Implement a simple yet functional modern approach by segregating the things and keeping what is useful and essential for the room to look apt. Discard or donate the items that are not needed. Replace the items that are most used with the least used items. This is the best way of decluttering the house while minimally changing the placements of things.
STEP 3: Clean Surfaces
Starting with the carpets, disinfecting the floors is an important task. You can begin by shaking out smaller rugs, and then vacuum larger rugs and carpets to remove lint.
TIP: Sprinkle baking soda on top and throw small doormats in the washing machine.
Make time to tackle the aspect of spring cleaning and scrub your kitchen cabinets and counters, dust your bookshelves and coffee tables with microfiber cloths, and remove mildew from bathroom crevices to sanitize. Make sure you clean surfaces like your ceiling fan and light fixtures, and wash items like furnishings and drapes that have never been thoroughly cleaned.
TIP: Add white vinegar to hot water to help remove build-up and disinfect surfaces such as shelving. This will in turn make your space fresher.
STEP 4: Clean Linens
Taking care of your bedding and other linens like curtains, table cloths, throws, and wreaths is as important as cleaning the entire house. The freshly laundered linens add up to the freshness of the bedroom. Toss them into the washer and set the ideal washer temperature to get thoroughly laundered linens. Line drying linens is the best way to dry them to lessen wrinkles. Remember to iron the sheets, covers, pillowcases, and other linens after every wash. This takes away the wrinkles and gives a crisp look.
The tradition of spring cleaning helps ensure we get our homes cleaned out top to bottom at least once a year. Cleaning in spring also gets you ready for all the fun of summer. Technically, spring cleaning can happen at any time your home needs a thorough sorting out, but many homeowners aim for early spring. It’s best to start your tasks on a weekend or long weekend, if possible so that you have plenty of time. Start in the morning, and be sure to give yourself multiple breaks during the day so you don’t overdo it.
After the cleaning bit, there may be a requirement of revamping the décor of the house which will give your living space a touch of refreshment and spring vibes altogether. Get easy decor ideas to make your home spring ready!